RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
Thanks for all the input guys.
So this phrase: damit Marge mal ne anständige Suppe damit kochen kann.
roughly translates to: so that Marge can cook even a decent soup with it. (? the word mal can sometimes confuse me, as it does with Google Translate. Is this somewhat correct?)
But in the very next part, it says: Da muß ich wohl in entlegerene Gebiete, hier um den Gutshof wächst so was nicht.
The word "entlegerene" is not translatable at all, and I think this is one of those "old-school" words you referred to.
I was thinking it has something to do with the word "entlegen," which is an adjective that means remote, far off, or out-of-the-way. Perhaps it is a verb form of this word to mean, "venture out into a remote area"? Or, if I separate ent and legerene, legeren means informal or casual, so modified with the prefix ent makes it mean something like that?
So I come up with the following in English: Then I must probably venture forth into the fields; here at the farm it doesn't grow like that.
Its probably close but not what you had in mind. What do you think? Thanks again!