08.10.2014, 03:33,
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
Ein andere weiter Frage, bitte:
I've come across an idiom that I think is mispelled:
Marge, dein ständiges Geflügel hängt mit zum Hals heraus.
Should it be?:
Marge, dein ständiges Geflügel hängt MIR zum Hals heraus.
The idiom in question, "hängt mir zum Hals heraus," renders in English as "I'm sick and tired of it." What does it truly mean in German... [something] hangs out on my neck... meaning something very annoying and bothering you, or... [something] hangs me from the neck... meaning it is so irritating that it makes you want to kill yourself by hanging from a rope?
Or is the original spelling correct and I'm getting it completely wrong? Vielen Dank für all die Hilfe.
10.10.2014, 03:57,
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
I'm putting another Die Traumfängerin episode up soon, and it details a (minor?) bug that I've found: There are no (kein!) journal entries, at all, and it will be shown near the end of the episode. When I open the first chapter module in the toolset, and open the journal there, there are no entries at all, which is a little strange. There is a module.jrl file in the campaign folder, but there should be a journal set that is built into the module itself. Similarly, in the Shaper of Dreams modules, there aren't any journal entries there either when I open the module in the toolset. Have I downloaded a bugged version, and I should download another set of modules that have journal entries when opened in the toolset? Thanks.
10.10.2014, 10:25,
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
(10.10.2014, 08:33)Milena schrieb: I will have a look at this since weekend. All chapters has journal-entries, but I know, that sometimes this was buggy. You need the german -journal entries of the last chapters, right?
It looks like I need the entries for all six chapters. I've opened them up and there aren't any journal entries in the Toolset when I select: View - Journal - Module OR Campaign. Not sure what happened there, but if you can link me to the Chapters that have the links, I will put overwrite what I have. I don't know if I'd have to start the campaign over again in this case.
14.10.2014, 04:12,
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
Gute Nachrichten,
I reinstalled the entire campaign, and put it into the main game install folder, not the My Documents version where it wants to default install to. I opened up the modules in the toolset and the journal entries are there under campaign. I read that this is a bug that has been happening to some people running third party campaigns / modules with no explanation. Thanks for trying to help!
14.10.2014, 09:07,
Feline Fuelled Games
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
This is good! I was really wondering, because in my game in editor all the journal -entries was there and none of the german players wrote me that there was no journal in the camaign.
If you have also installed the English one in addition to the German Verison, I think this could cause some bugs too.
I have had, in any case, a few problems (which I do not remember, however, any more  , because it lies back many years), and, therefore, has installed only in each case one of the both.
15.10.2014, 04:12,
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
I had removed the English version to a dummy folder, so I'm not sure if that would have any effect. When I tried editing the English modules in the toolset as well, the journal entries were missing, I may have to reinstall those as well.
One quick question, please:
After reading the journal entries, one of them has confused me. I don't know if it is a misspelling, or a shortened word that Google Translate doesn't understand:
Ich muß sehen, ob ich nicht etwas Kerbel finde, damit Marge mal ne anständige Suppe damit kochen kann. Da muß ich wohl in entlegerene Gebiete, hier um den Gutshof wächst so was nicht.
The part where it says: damit Marge mal ne anständige Suppe damit kochen kann.
The short word "ne" isn't recognized by Google Translate. Is this supposed to be another word, a shortened word, or something else entirely? Thanks for all your help.
15.10.2014, 22:44,
Feline Fuelled Games
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
(15.10.2014, 19:05)Korahan schrieb: It also ought to be confusing for you, that the spelling of the German language has changed in 2007, is'nt it? Many people, such as Milena, stil write in the old fashion, whilst many others have already learned the new one in school. I don't even know, if Google is able to translate the old one xD
That was already back in 1996 (boy, how time flies by....  ). But they did some changes again in 2006.
16.10.2014, 05:55,
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
Thanks for all the input guys.
So this phrase: damit Marge mal ne anständige Suppe damit kochen kann.
roughly translates to: so that Marge can cook even a decent soup with it. (? the word mal can sometimes confuse me, as it does with Google Translate. Is this somewhat correct?)
But in the very next part, it says: Da muß ich wohl in entlegerene Gebiete, hier um den Gutshof wächst so was nicht.
The word "entlegerene" is not translatable at all, and I think this is one of those "old-school" words you referred to.
I was thinking it has something to do with the word "entlegen," which is an adjective that means remote, far off, or out-of-the-way. Perhaps it is a verb form of this word to mean, "venture out into a remote area"? Or, if I separate ent and legerene, legeren means informal or casual, so modified with the prefix ent makes it mean something like that?
So I come up with the following in English: Then I must probably venture forth into the fields; here at the farm it doesn't grow like that.
Its probably close but not what you had in mind. What do you think? Thanks again!
07.01.2015, 05:23,
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RE: Finally a Let's Play Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams
How is it going developers? Any news about the translation  ?